My God loves without restraint…
Many have tried to determine what constitutes the essential human endeavor. For some it is to be known and for others it is to be loved. For many it is to make a lasting mark on the world so that the impact of ones life continues to have significance.
At the heart of each pursuit is the sense that human life, no matter how frail or fleeting, is of great value and this value is appreciated when one life becomes truly aware of another.
Every heart wants to be cherished, every mind understood and every voice heard.
In the pages of Holy Scripture we hear God saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” and “I have loved you with an everlasting love” and we realize that we are known more completely and loved more deeply by our Creator than in any human experience.
It is divine love.
Although not every gesture of love demands a response, our Creator loves us and then invites us to respond.
What response does God want to divine love?
God wants to be known and to be loved. Moreover, God wants to live in our hearts but this invitation must come from us. Ultimately God wants to make an imprint on our lives that will last for eternity.
You are invited to discover for yourself the rich resources that Seventh-day Adventists have found on the journey in response to God’s invitation.