Churches, Companies, Membership
Churches | 72,144 |
Companies | 67,078 |
Church Membership | 17,479,890 |
Total Accessions | 1,139,000 |
Baptisms | 1,109,219 |
Professions of Faith | 29,781 |
Ordained Ministers, Active | 17,530 |
Total Active Employees | 232,168 |
Mission to the World | |
Countries and Areas of the World as Recognized by the United Nations | 232 |
Countries and Areas of the World in Which Seventh-day Adventist Work is Established | 208 |
Languages Used in Seventh-day Adventist Publications and Oral Work | 927 |
Divisions | 13 |
Union Conferences | 52 |
Union Missions | 57 |
Union of Churches Conferences | 9 |
Union of Churches Missions | 4 |
Local Conferences | 326 |
Local Missions | 274 |
Educational Program | |
Total Schools | 7,883 |
Tertiary Institutions | 112 |
Worker Training Institutions | 48 |
Secondary Schools | 1,908 |
Primary Schools | 5,815 |
Total Enrollment | 1,750,651 |
Tertiary Institutions | 136,548 |
Worker Training Institutions | 8,397 |
Secondary Schools | 521,041 |
Primary Schools | 1,084,665 |
Food Industries | 20 |
Healthcare Ministry | |
Hospitals and Sanitariums | 172 |
Nursing Homes and Retirement Centers | 133 |
Clinics and Dispensaries | 238 |
Orphanages and Children’s Homes | 36 |
Airplanes and Medical Launches | 10 |
Outpatient Visits | 16,088,528 |
Media Centers | 14 |
Publishing Work | |
Publishing Houses and Branches | 62 |
Literature Evangelists, Credentialed and Licensed | 6,808 |
Languages Used in Publications | 370 |
Sabbath School Membership (incomplete reporting) | 18,703,212 |
Contributions | In US Dollars |
Tithe | $2,267,603,977 |
Tithe Per Capita | $136.52 |
Sabbath School Mission Offerings | $72,622,887 |
Ingathering | $7,914,514 |
Total Tithe and Offerings | $3,182,472,411 |
Total Tithe and Offerings Per Capita | $191.59 |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) | |
Countries and Areas of the World Where ADRA is Involved* | 120 |
Total Projects Funded* | 1,537 |
Beneficiaries of Projects* | 20,233,685 |
Total Value of Aid* | $263,948,967 |
(*Supporting and Implementing) |