Pray for Burundi

There are 186,000 Seventh-day Adventists in the country of Burundi. They desperately need our prayers.

On October 24, 2019, the president of the Burundi Union Mission, pastor Lamec Barishinga, was arrested. This arrest is part of an escalating series of threats and attacks on the Seventh-day Adventist Church by the government of Burundi.

Therefore, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is calling on all members to #Pray4Burundi.

  1. Please pray for Pastor Barishinga to be released from prison.
  2. Please
    pray for the protection of our members from physical and emotional
    abuse, and that the practice of arresting our pastors and members as a
    form of intimidation be stopped.
  3. Please pray that the government
    of Burundi will value religious liberty and stop interfering with the
    administrative decisions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, thereby
    allowing our members to worship according to their conscience, without
    interference from any government or entity.

Below you will find pictures and videos of the police invading our worship services and violently beating our members.

Burundi Church
Burundi Church
Burundi Church 2
Burundi Church 2

News Stories

We believe there is power in prayer. Please share this with your friends, small groups, Sabbath School class and church. Our brothers and sisters in Burundi need our prayers.